HVAC Repair in New Jersey and Spring Maintenance
It’s Spring!
Just kidding, we really didn’t expect to see a grown man cry like that. Settle down, in due time, the weather will warm and before you know it, you will be cursing the hot sun beating down on your back as you mow the lawn.
It really does happen that fast. One day, you are shoveling the sidewalk with frozen hands and face and the next thing you know, dandelions are popping up in your yard. Spring will be here before you know and now is a good time to compile a list of what needs to be done around the house. Oxford Energy, your HVAC repair service in New Jersey, offers you the essentials for your spring maintenance list.
Clean Those Gutters
Yeah, we hear you complaining that you just cleaned the gutters in the fall. The problem is that winter storms have whipped leaves and other debris and a lot of that has settled back in your gutters. And the last thing you want is a flooded basement or other problems due to gutter issues when the spring rains come.
Inspect The Roof
While you have the ladder out and are cleaning the gutters, take a good look at your roof to ensure all is well. Check for any shingles that might be damaged or missing and be on the lookout for other roof penetrations. Winter is rough on roofs.
Trim Overgrowth
Spring is the ideal time to trim branches and shrubs that are near your house. Get an early start and you won’t have to deal with leaves.
Test Smoke Detectors
Spring is the perfect time to test your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. You can also replace batteries as necessary. Smoke detectors should be swapped out after 10 years.
Clean Windows
When spring does arrive, you will want to watch from your window as everything in your neighborhood blooms in glorious colors. You can’t see a thing out of the filthy windows you have right now.
Check your foundation walls and floors for any cracking or other damage. If you catch foundation damage early, the repairs are a lot cheaper than if it spreads.
Rent a power washer and spray down the siding on your home this spring. You don’t want to have to deal with mold growing. It is also a good time to inspect all of the wood surfaces for peeling paint or damage.
Take a close look at the caulking on the interior and exterior of your home. If it is starting to deteriorate or looks eroded, you will need to reapply the sealant.
Check your exterior doors and screens for damage. You will also want to tighten up loose hinges and replace any broken hardware.
Spring is the time of year to inspect your deck, patio or porch. Make sure everything looks good and that there isn’t any broken or loose railings or other damage.
HVAC System
Make sure you have your air conditioning unit serviced in the spring. It will be keeping you cool and comfortable all summer so treat it right by calling Oxford Energy today.