Furnace Repair in New Jersey and Signs Your Furnace is Dying
You are really enjoying the crisp weather and falling leaves of autumn. But in the back of your mind, you know that single-digit temperatures and blowing snow is just around the corner. Yes, winter will be here before you know it.
And when it arrives, you will find yourself sipping hot beverages while watching Netflix in your toasty-warm house. That is, until the furnace stops working and panic sets in. There is never a convenient time for your furnace to give out, leaving you without heat.
What makes things worse is that heating equipment seems to die on the coldest day of the year.
This is why you need to take a proactive approach. That is, make life easier for yourself by having your furnace inspected by Oxford Energy, your furnace repair service in New Jersey, in the fall for any problems that might crop up this winter.
Of course, problems can still occur during the cold months, so it is a good idea to look for signs that your furnace is coming to the end of its life. After all, furnaces aren’t built to last forever and you will have to replace yours at some point. Here are a few signs that you might need a new furnace.
It’s Old
There is no such thing as a furnace that never dies. In terms of age, 15 years is pretty old in furnace years. A typical furnace will function for 15 or 20 years, but there is no way in knowing exactly which year will be its last.
Bills Have Gone Up
Your furnace is one of the biggest energy consumers you have in your home, probably the biggest in fact. Because of this, its efficiency directly affects how much you pay for utilities. If you notice that you are paying higher gas and electric bills this winter than previous years, and you have ruled out other factors such as rate increases, then it might be time to replace your furnace.
You Can’t Stay Warm
If you find yourself getting up out of your comfortable chair and checking the thermostat several times a day because you are cold, it could be a sign that you need a new furnace.
Feeling cold while in your house is a huge reason to have someone take a look at your furnace. There are many reasons you are feeling cold and a professional can determine what you need to do.
It Sounds Funny
If you are noticing funny noises coming from your furnace, something is definitely wrong and it could be a sign that you need a new one.
Frequent Repairs
If you know your furnace repair professional on a personal level because you see them a few times a year, then you might need to have your furnace replaced. Frequent repairs add up and it is just an inconvenience to you to have to call us all of the time.
If you are experiencing any of these signs, it could mean you need a new furnace. Give Oxford Energy a call today.